Intelligent Video Analytics through Artificial Intelligence

Jun 7, 2018

GianChrister Tome
International Marketing
PCCW Solutions

Technology Transition to Artificial Intelligence

In the age of emerging technology and increasing demand for digitalisation, Artificial Intelligence has become a driving force of the technology evolution. Big enterprises are now transitioning their products and services through AI to become more sophisticated and pervasive, in order to create better interactions for their customers. Let’s take Walmart for example, which uses shelf scanning robots to check for all factors including pricing, misplaced items and stock levels within the store. This would help to redirect employee efforts to other, more critical tasks in the stores.

Enterprises are also increasingly adopting the use of AI in various areas of their business, including security. Other organisations are utilising AI through video platforms to make security surveillance more effective - capable of fully automating operations and predicting human behaviour through analytics. Intelligent video analytics monitor video streams in near real time, identifying attributes, events or patterns of monitored environments.

As applications continue to develop, predictive video analytics could facilitate incident preventions ranging from traffic issues, to terrorist threats.

Humanising Video Service

Taking out human actions in video surveillances results in increased operational efficiency and reductions in chances of human error. The advance machine learning algorithms in video feeds automatically enables cameras to recognise people, objects, and situations. This benefit not just predicting potential threats in security and safety of people, but also enables curation of people and their behaviour to data as valuable analytics.

With the emergence of AI, deep learning has enabled video analytics to analyse facial data faster and more accurately. Facial recognition is just a step in video analytics, through AI, it provides a complete suite of capabilities, which includes, people management, vehicle management, behaviour monitoring, and device protection1.

In the retail industry, video analytics provide advanced information like heat mapping to analyse foothold and customer traffic, as well as age estimation and gender detection for targeted communication. The resulting mined data on customer behaviour can then be used to plan marketing strategies2.

Intelligent Video Analytics in Airports

Being one of the busiest places in most cities, airports stand to benefit with the use of intelligent video analytics. By incorporating AI in video surveillance, the system’s analytics can easily detect abnormal behaviour and suspicious individuals.

Considering that airports today have retail shops to enhance customer experience, these retail businesses can harness important information to strategically place their digital signage and promotions.

Intelligent video analytics will also provide helpful insight for airport management to use the data gathered as reference for rent calculation, design layout, and placement of facilities and shops to further enhance customer experience and maximise profit3.

With AI being the clear future of digital technology, enterprises and individuals need to gear up to be ready to adopt and use AI considering the possibilities of AI creating not just better businesses, but also a better world.