Optimising Multichannel Marketing Strategy

Oct 19, 2021

GianChrister Tome
Content Strategist
PCCW Solutions

Marketing your products and services on a single channel isn’t enough for today’s consumers. With the proliferation of different communications channels, customers can access information and choose their preferred channel to make purchases, whenever and wherever they want.

Brands should take a more holistic approach to engage and retain customers through multiple channels. Multichannel marketing is a strategy that uses a combination of channels to maximise interactions and communicate with potential customers. Marketers who use a cross-channel strategy see greater ROI for their marketing spend, boosting ROI by 24% and revenue growth by 9.5% i.

Delivering a Seamless Digital Experience

It is imperative to utilise multiple channels throughout a marketing campaign to deliver consistent messages and seamless experience, ultimately improving customer engagements and lead conversions. Indeed, 90% of customers expect consistent interactions across different channels ii. How can you maximise the right channels for your brand?

Creating Customer Personas

Customer personas are essentially profiles that define the segments within your target audience. It helps to share a common understanding of the target consumer group and grasp their desires and behavioural patterns firmly, and as a result, make decisions strategically instead of just intuitively. This empowers companies to determine the right media channel to attract target prospects, effectively engage them with tailored messages and improve sales conversions.

Engaging Content Creation

Knowing the target customer personas and their digital footprints, it’s time to determine how best to deliver the message and build the vehicles that will deliver it. 69% of companies expect their 2022 content marketing budget will allocate heavily in videos iii. Through engaging videos, augmented realities, and highly visual content designs, companies can create enhanced customer digital experiences that will capture their attention and develop brand recall as they can easily relate through powerful storytelling.

Hybrid Customer Engagements

Many webinars or virtual events are livestreamed on social media platforms due to its amount of online audiences available at any given day. 58% of companies said that virtual events/webinars/online courses produced the best content results in the last 12 months. Modern marketers plan innovative event ideas to maximise these engagements, mixing “live” in-person events with “virtual” online components to further enhance audience participation through technology.

Utilising multiple digital channels for marketing campaigns can help improve customer engagement, leads generation and strengthen brand awareness. Marketers should monitor the campaign performance closely and conduct analysis. They might need to revisit the overall strategy, customer personas, or adjust the budget allocated for specific channels in order to achieve the anticipated results.

Talk to the Regen8 team today to learn how to implement effective multichannel digital marketing strategies.

iii  2022 B2B Content Marketing, Content Marketing Institute/